Stop Complaining About Not Getting Hired And Do This Instead
Looking for a job can feel like one of the most frustrating experiences of your life. In today’s ever-changing market, applying to jobs often feels like tossing your resume into a void, never to be seen again. If you’re at your wit’s end after countless applications and futile networking attempts, it’s time to consider alternatives you might not have thought of yet.
Have You Tried Freelancing?
Freelancing isn’t a guaranteed success, but it’s a proactive step toward building a fulfilling career. By taking charge of your professional life, you create opportunities that align with your aspirations. If you’re tired of waiting for a job offer, freelancing might just be the best decision you’ll ever make.
This isn’t to say you should give up on traditional jobs entirely if that’s where your heart lies. But freelancing offers unique advantages. Yes, you’ll trade one boss for multiple clients, and you’ll need to manage everything—from sales and marketing to development and HR. However, the benefits often outweigh the drawbacks. Freelancing lets you set your rates, choose your projects, and potentially triple your expected salary. Sometimes, you have to get a little scrappy to achieve your goals, and freelancing could be your ticket to success.
Start Your Own Business
If freelancing isn’t your style, consider turning your skillset into a full-fledged business. Many people dismiss this option, assuming that starting a business is too complicated. But in the information age, knowledge is at your fingertips. A quick YouTube or Google search for “how to start a business” can yield massive value for budding entrepreneurs.
Registering an LLC and finding an accountant to manage your books is simpler than ever. From there, you’re free to run the show exactly how you’ve always envisioned. Owning a business gives you the power to build something meaningful and profitable on your terms.
Employers Like to Play Games
Searching for a job can feel like a gamble where you hold none of the cards. You’re placing your livelihood and finances in the hands of someone else’s perception of you. I’ve been passed over for more roles than I can count. While it’s disheartening, it made me a stronger entrepreneur and taught me the value of creating my own opportunities.
Today’s job market can be harsh. AI filters screen out resumes, and hiring decisions are often swayed by unconscious biases. While employers won’t admit it, factors like your appearance or age can unfairly influence their choices. Instead of begging for a chance to prove your worth, why not take control of your career? By becoming your own boss, you’re no longer subject to the whims of hiring managers.
In Closing
If you’re struggling to find a job, don’t take it personally. You’re doing your best by putting yourself out there. But if the process feels like playing the slots in Vegas, it might be time for a different approach. Consider freelancing or starting your own business to take full control of your career.
I hope this article has been both informative and enjoyable. Until next time, my friends.